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Youth Rabbit Show

Show Info

Chairperson: Matthew Simmons
Check-in: Wednesday, October 09, 3 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Show: Saturday, October 12, 1:00 p.m.
Release: Saturday, October 19, After 10:00 p.m. (No Drive-Ins) or
Sunday, October 20, 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Show Rules

1. Out of state rabbits are required to have a health certificate.
2. All exhibitors must be present for the rabbit show. Only youth involved in the
horse show and other activities (sports, job, etc.) will be excused. A note
from the activity sponsor must be turned in at check-in and approved by
rabbit chair- person. Failure to do so will result in exhibitor’s rabbit(s) not
being judged.
3. Entries restricted to bona fide 4-H and FFA members. Rabbits must be
pre-registered. Deadline for registration is September 1.
4. The chairperson reserves the right to refuse the entry of any rabbit which
shows signs of diseases or is infested with mites.
5. Rabbits must have been owned and cared for by members 30 days before
6. All rabbits must be tattooed in the left ear before entering the fair.
7. Entries will be fed and watered by the rabbit committee throughout the entire
8. Limit of 10 rabbits per exhibitor.
9. Clover Buds may enter up to 5 rabbits for exhibition only which will NOT be
judged. Clover Buds will receive a participation ribbon and an exhibit
premium of $3.00 per rabbit.
10. Entries removed prior to release time will forfeit all awards and premiums.
The fair will not be responsible for rabbits left after 11:00 a.m on Sunday.
Chairperson will okay time to leave.
11. The Modified Danish System of judging will be used. Only rabbits receiving a
blue ribbon will qualify for special awards.
12. Entries outside of our five counties will be accepted on a space available
13. The Northeast Florida Fair Association is not responsible for any damage or
loss of animals or equipment.
14. All rabbits must be purebred. Mixed breed rabbits will be disqualified.
Pregnant does cannot be shown.
15. No one is to handle rabbits except on day of show.
16. Exhibitors are not permitted to put hay or bedding in the cages.
17. The age categories will be:
Junior – 3 to 6 months
Senior – Over 6 months
(unless not appropriate to breed)
Premiums for all Rabbits
Blue……...….$5.00 Red……..….$4.00 White................. $3.00
Overall Prizes
Best In Show
1st Runner Up
2nd Runner Up
Trophies will be awarded for Best of Breed and Best Opposite

Youth 4-H and FFA Livestock Rules

Northeast Florida Fair General Livestock Rules

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