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Youth Horse Show

Show Info

Chairperson: Tammy Bennett
Directors/Show Official’s: Will & Crystal McLain
Check-in: Saturday, October 5, 8:00 a.m.
Show: Saturday, October 5, 9:00 a.m., Trader's Hill Arena

Show Rules

1. Entries shall be open to Youth, Juniors 12 and under and Seniors 13 thru 18.
2. No studs allowed (Including weanlings and yearlings).
3. Prior to unloading horses must be checked in by state inspector or person
authorized by the horse show chairperson and must be accompanied by a
Current Negative Coggins Test.
4. All exhibitors must wear proper attire, footwear, and all are required to SEI or
SEI/ASTM approved safety equestrian helmet with fastened chin harness in
all classes, during warm-ups and make-up areas.
5. Northeast Florida Fair Horse Show rules must be followed at all times.
Judged events will follow AQHA guidelines.
6. Judge's decision is final. Any protest must be made with show management
before the end of the following class.
7. When an exhibitor or exhibitors parents, legal guardian, leader or agent is
guilty of any unsportsmanlike conduct, the show management may suspend
the exhibitors right to participate in future classes or show for such a period
as judged appropriate.
8. The Northeast Florida Fair Association and its hosting arena will not be held
responsible for accidents, injuries or death to horses and or riders.
9. Organizers reserve the right to combine classes if necessary, any combined
classes will receive separate points.
10. Overall High Point and Reserve Overall High Point will be announced the
day of the show 30 minutes after the show is concluded and after all the
class points have been tallied.
11. The Overall High Point and Overall Reserve High Point buckles will be
presented at the Parade of Champions.
12. Trophies will be presented to each division's Highpoint and Reserve
Highpoint at the Parade of Champions.
13. Premium money will be awarded to the top 6 places in each class, premiums
will be paid by cash at the show.
1st place - $10.00
2nd place - $9.00
3rd place - $8.00
4th place - $7.00
5th place - $6.00
6th place - $5.00
High Point Junior WT: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 17, 21, 25
High Point Senior WT: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14, 18, 22, 26
High Point Junior: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 15, 19, 23, 27
High Point Senior: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16, 20, 24, 28
High Point Junior Ranch: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27
High Point Senior Ranch: Points include Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
High Point Junior Speed: Points include Classes: 29, 31, 33, 35
High Point Senior Speed: Points include Classes: 30, 32, 34, 36
Overall High Point - ALL Classes combined
1 Halter -Grooming and Conditioning
2 Halter -Gelding
3 Halter - Mare
4 Halter - Pony
5 JR Showmanship 12 & Under
6 SR Showmanship 13-18
20 Minute Break (Arena open)
7 JR Western Walk Trot 12 & Under
8 SR Western Walk Trot 13 -18
9 JR Western Pleasure 12 & Under
10 SR Western Pleasure 13-18
11 JR Ranch Pleasure 12 & Under
12 SR Ranch Pleasure 13-18
13 JR Walk Trot Horsemanship 12 &
14 SR Walk Trot Horsemanship 13-18
15 JR Western Horsemanship 12 &
16 SR Western Horsemanship 13-18
20 Minute Break (Arena open)
17 JR English Walk Trot 12 & Under
18 SR English Walk Trot 13-18
19 JR English Pleasure 12 & Under
20 SR English Pleasure 13-18
21 JR Walk Trot Equitation 12 & Under
22 SR Walk Trot Equitation 13-18
23 JR English Equitation 12 & Under
24 SR English Equitation 13-18
Trail Classes are completed at
will during Judged Events
25 JR Trail Walk Trot 12 & Under
26 SR Trail Walk Trot 13-18
27 JR Trail 12 & Under
28 SR Trail 13-18
15 Minute Break
29 JR Pole Bending
30 SR Pole Bending
31 JR Texas Barrel Weave
32 SR Texas Barrel Weave
33 JR Arena Race
34 SR Arena Race
35 JR Cloverleaf
36 SR Cloverleaf
Northeast Florida Fair and its hosting arena is not responsible for injuries or
damage to personal property while attending or participating in its shows. ALL
horses are required to have a current negative coggins.

Youth 4-H and FFA Livestock Rules

Northeast Florida Fair General Livestock Rules

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