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Unlimited Opportunities Goat Show

Show Info

Chairperson: Casey Raulerson
Show: Saturday, October 12, 2024 - following the Dairy Goat Show


Show Rules

This event is designed for adults/students with a permanent physical or intellectual disability (documented by an Individual Education Plan while in school), who are interested in participating in a livestock show.

These adults/students will be paired with a 2024 4-H or FFA member who has experience showing animals at a competitive level and will be considered a Buddy. The Buddy and the Adult/student Exhibitor will work
together to be able to walk his/her goat in the show ring for judging. The adult/student Exhibitor and their Buddy will work together, so everyone is comfortable with the judging process. Through this competition, Exhibitors will also learn goat facts so that they can answer questions posed by the judge.

There will be two MANDATORY practices for the participants and their buddies:
These two practices will be held at Yulee High School
1. Saturday September 21st at 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
2. Sunday, October 6th at 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

On the day of the show, both the Exhibitors and their Buddies will be expected to wear long pants, their Goat Pals t-shirt, and close-toed shoes in the show ring.
The t-shirt will be provided prior to the show date.


Northeast Florida Fair General Livestock Rules


1. Adult Beef exhibitors must have their stock at the Fairgrounds on
Wednesday, October 09, 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. or Thursday, October
10, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and remain until after 10:00 p.m. on Saturday,
October 13 or Sunday, October 20, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
2. Competent judges will judge the livestock. The decisions of the judges will
be final. Judges are instructed not to award prizes where quality does not
3. While every precaution will be used, the Northeast Florida Fair Association,
Inc. and/or its members will not be liable for loss or damage of property, or
personal injury and/or death resulting from livestock.
4. Owners must provide feed for their stock while on exhibition. Containers for
feeding and watering must be provided. This does not apply to youth poultry
and rabbit shows.
5. All cattle should be provided with a good strong halter and neck rope.
6. All animals must be trained to lead in order to compete for premiums. This
means animals can and must be brought into the ring by one exhibitor
promptly when class is called.
7. Registered animals shown by exhibitors must be registered or leased in his
or her name a minimum of 60 days prior to the day of the show. Chairperson
will check registration or lease papers upon arrival.
8. Only blue-ribbon animals will compete for Grand and Reserve Champions.
9. Health certificates must be available on all animals entering the
fairgrounds. All animals must be inspected by the State Inspector before
10. Any exhibitor removing animals without official release will forfeit all premium
11. Entries close September 1. No late entries will be accepted.
12. All youth trophies, plaques, etc. will be awarded at the Parade of Champions
Sunday, October 13 (dairy cattle, dairy goats, horses), and Saturday,
October 19 (poultry, rabbits, lambs, meat goats, beef cattle, and
13. All animals must be clean and in the barn by the opening of the fair. All
exhibitors must maintain their stall space and animals in a clean and sanitary
manner thru-out the fair.
14. Registration papers that do not reflect exhibitors name must have an official
lease agreement accompanying entry form. Agreement can be found online,
www. Chairperson will check registration papers upon arrival.
15. No dogs allowed on fairgrounds except service dogs.
16. No faxed or e-mailed entries accepted.
17. All animals showing signs of sickness will be addressed by the livestock
committee for determination if removal is necessary.
18. LIABILITY - The exhibitor assumes all liability in the case of sickness, death,
or injury to his/her animal until the close of the fair. No show official or
member of the Northeast Florida Fair Association, Inc. may be liable for the
loss of any animal. The NEFFA will not be responsible for any sickness or
death of any exhibitor's animal.


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